A1. Beautiful Woman A2. Think A3. I Think There Was Someone Else A4. Long, Long Night A5. I Love You B1. Lady B2. Anticipation B3. I've Got Nothing To Say B4. I Do Not Know B5. The Rising Sun (Instrumental) |
미인 생각해 그 누가 있었나봐 긴긴 밤 나는 너를 사랑해 저 여인 설레임 할 말도 없지만 나는 몰라 떠오르는 태양 (경음악) |
4:30 4:25 5:50 4:34 3:08 4:06 4:18 4:21 3:04 6:59 |

드러머를 권용남으로 바꾼 후 재녹음한 판으로 초판과 앞표지의 글자모양이 다르다. 이 음반은 약 1백여만장이 팔려 여러번 재판이 제작되었는데 재판에도 제작시기는 초판과 마찬가지로 1974년 8월 25일로 표기되어 있다. 신중현의 작품들이 금지곡으로 묶이면서 87년 말이나 되어서야 금지 해제후 재발매가 되었다. Spring of 1974 witnessed the birth of psychedelic power trio Shin Joong Hyun & Yup Juns. “In Korean, yupjun literally means a brass coin,” Shin explains. “However, during that time it was used as slang to describe a sense of unpleasantness and dislike. Since I was so unpleasant and dissatisfied [in my career], I told myself, ‘Ok, fine, I am just a yupjun,’ and named my band with a rebellious attitude.” He began by renting a room at Seoul’s Tower Hotel to serve as a creative base for the group. After six months of preparation, the group cut ten powerful songs filled with monster grooves, fuzz guitar, emotive singing, and top-notch songwriting. The album was pressed up as a broadcast-only promotional vinyl to test radio response; the response wasn’t what anyone expected, and the record label refused to release the album. The band re-recorded the album, but it is this, the original ten track version, that has become legendary—with good reason. An astounding record, and one that we are privileged to bring to the rest of the world for the first time.

Shin Joong Hyun & Yup Juns Spring of 1974, in Seoul: this was the time and place that witnessed the birth of psychedelic power trio Shin Joong Hyun & Yup Juns. "In Korean,"Yup Jun" literally means a brass coin" Shin explains. "However, during that time it was used as slang to describe a sense of unpleasantness and dislike. Since I was so unpleasant and dissatisfied [in my career], I told myself, ‘Ok, fine, I am just a yupjun,’ and named my band with a rebellious attitude." Shin began by renting a spacious room at Seoul’s Tower Hotel to serve as a creative home base for the group. After six months of earnest preparation, the group cut ten powerful songs filled with monster grooves, fuzz guitar, emotive singing, and top-notch songwriting. Shin had achieved his goal. The album was pressed up as an ultra-limited, broadcast-only promotional vinyl to test radio response; the response wasn’t what anyone expected, and the record label refused to release the album. Shin Joong Hyun & Yup Juns re-recorded the album (with a new drummer), but it is this, the original ten track version, that has become legendary—with good reason. An astounding record, and one that we are privileged to bring to the rest of the world for the first time. Tough and funky tracks, driven by Mr. Shin's ferocious guitar; capped off in blissful head-spinning psychedelic style by 'The Rising Sun', an instrumental in the vein of the Jimi Hendrix Experience's 'Third Stone From the Sun.' Our Lion Productions version of this quintessence of funky psychedelia features re-mastered audio. Licensing by Lion Productions for digital download on bandcamp thru Repsychled. This is the first of too many Lion Productions that will appear on Bandcamp on this page. For licencing for Ad's and sync, please contact us. credits released May 29, 2016 license all rights reserved |