1. Firste Booke of Songes: no 11, Come away, come sweet love Written: 1597; England
2. Firste Booke of Songes: no 20, Come, heavy sleepe Written: 1597; England
3. Firste Booke of Songes: no 15, Wilt thou unkind thus reave me of my hart Written: 1597; England
4. Firste Booke of Songes: no 4, If my complaints could passions move Written: 1597; England
5. Firste Booke of Songes: no 3, My thoughts are wingde with hopes Written: 1597; England
6. Firste Booke of Songes: no 19, Awake, sweet love Written: 1597; England
7. Second Booke of Songes or Ayres: no 3, Sorrow sorrow stay, lend true repentant teares Written: 1600; England
8. Second Booke of Songes or Ayres: no 12, Fine knacks for ladies Written: 1600; England
9. Second Booke of Songes: no 2, Flow, my teares Written: 1600; England
10. Second Booke of Songes: no 19, Shall I sue, shall I seeke for grace? Written: 1600; England
11. Second Booke of Songes: no 1, I saw my lady weepe Written: 1600; England
12. Third and Last Booke of Songes: no 6, When Phoebus first did Daphne love Written: 1603; England
13. Third and Last Booke of Songes: no 7, Say love if ever thou didst find Written: 1603; England
14. Third and Last Booke of Songes: Fie on this feigning Written: 1603; England
15. Third and Last Booke of Songes: no 15, Weep you no more, sad fountains Written: 1603; England
16. A Pilgrimes Solace: Love those beams Written: 1612; England
17. A Pilgrimes Solace: no 2, Sweet stay a while Written: 1612; England
18. A Pilgrimes Solace: To ask for all thy love Written: 1612; England
19. A Pilgrimes Solace: Were every thought an eye Written: 1612; England
20. A Pilgrimes Solace: no 5, Shall I strive with wordes to move Written: 1612; England |