종교 聖음악

앨범: 제수알도: 성 목요일을 위한 찬미가 - The King'S Singers (2004 Signum Records)

리차드 강 2013. 3. 30. 21:01

Tenebrae Responsories For Maundy Thursday

제수알도: 성 목요일을 위한 찬미가

Carlo Gesualdo 1566-1613

1. Maundy Thursday: Lectio 1 - 전악장 연주


Album Title: Gesualdo: Tenebrae Responsories For Maundy Thursday

Composer: Gregorian Chant, Carlo Gesualdo
Ensemble: The King'S Singers

Audio CD (May 04, 2004)
Number of Discs: 1
Format: CD Import
SPAR Code: n/a
Label: Signum Records UK
Copyright: (c) 2004 Signum Records U.K.
Total Length: 1:06:00
Genres: Classical, Opera & Vocal



1. Maundy Thursday: Lectio 1 ("Incipit lamentationem Hieremiae prophetae. Aleph. Quomodo ...") - Gregorian Chant & Margarete Forsyth (4:39)
   Composer   Gregorian Chant

2-4. Responsories (9) for 6 voices, Feria 5: Responsories from 1st Nocturn. - Carlo Gesualdo & Margarete Forsyth
   Composer   Carlo Gesualdo
   Ensemble   King's Singers
   Period   Renaissance
   Written   1611; Italy
   Country   Italy
   Language   Latin
   Studio/Live   Studio

2. In Monte Oliveti  (4:39)
3. Tristis est anima mea  (4:43)
4. Ecce vidimus eum  (7:25)

5. Maundy Thursday: Lectio 2 ("Vau. Et egressus est a filia Sion") - Gregorian Chant & Margarete Forsyth (4:16)
   Composer   Gregorian Chant

6-8. Responsories (9) for 6 voices, Feria 5: Responsories from 2nd Nocturn. - Carlo Gesualdo & Margarete Forsyth
   Composer   Carlo Gesualdo
   Ensemble   King's Singers
   Period   Renaissance
   Written   1611; Italy
   Country   Italy
   Language   Latin
   Studio/Live   Studio

6. Amicus meus osculi  (3:53)
7. Judas mercator pessimus  (2:36)
8. Unus ex discipulis Meis  (6:08)

9. Maundy Thursday: Lectio 3 ("Iod. Manum suam misit hostis ad omnia") - Gregorian Chant & Margarete Forsyth (3:56)
   Composer   Gregorian Chant

10-12. Responsories (9) for 6 voices, Feria 5: Responsories from 3rd Nocturn. - Carlo Gesualdo & Margarete Forsyth
   Composer   Carlo Gesualdo
   Ensemble   King's Singers
   Period   Renaissance
   Written   1611; Italy
   Country   Italy
   Language   Latin
   Studio/Live   Studio

10. Eram quasi agnus innocens  (5:11)
11. Una hora non potuistis  (3:28)
12. Seniores populi Consilium  (6:23)

13. Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel, motet for 6 voices, W. 7/93 - Carlo Gesualdo & Margarete Forsyth (7:46)
   Composer   Carlo Gesualdo
   Ensemble   King's Singers
   Period   Renaissance
   Written   1611; Italy
   Language   Latin
   Studio/Live   Studio

14. Christus factus est, versicle - Gregorian Chant & Margarete Forsyth (0:55)
   Composer   Gregorian Chant



제수알도의 聖 목요일을 위한 찬미가

다성음악의 황태자 돈 카를로 제수알도! 그는 음악적인 것보다 음악외적인 이야깃거리로 더 유명하지만 여러 권의 마드리갈과 종교음악을 들어보면 음악적으로도 흠잡을 데 없는 작곡가라는 사실을 인정할 수 밖에 없다. 극단적인 반음계주의와 바로크적인 과감한 표현이 나타나기 전 본격적인 다성음악 작곡가로서 성숙해가는 과정을 보여준다.

1968년 창단 이래 수많은 음반과 공연을 통해 우리에게 친숙해있는 킹스 싱어즈의 제수알도 성가집. 제수알도는 텍스트의 표현을 위해 대담한 반음계적인 화성을 사용한 마드리갈 집으로 유명하지만, 종교음악에서도 이러한 혁신적인 기법을 사용하였다. 킹스 싱어즈는 보다 자유롭게 제수알도의 음악을 재해석하고 있으며, 템포나 프레이징의 여유로움이 느껴진다.

Review: If you like The King's Singers, you'll love this CD! Gesualdo: Tenebrae Responsories for Maundy Thursday offers a small slice from the liturgy used for Holy Week. All tracks are superbly performed. The voices weave together to form a solid fabric of stunning polyphony. The responsories, here, are divided into three sets beginning with lessons from the Lamentations of Jeremiah. Gesualdo, an eccentric Italian prince and one of the Renaissance's more innovative composers, is best remembered for killing his wife and her lover while they were in bed together. His guilt over this shocking and passionate act is said to be mirrored in his music with its chromatic and often indulgent lines. The music is liturgical in nature, but this recording can be appreciated inside and out of the sanctuary.




The King's Singers originally made their reputation in the 1960s on the strength of their interpretations of Renaissance music. Given their wide popularity over the years, and their contractual obligations to major companies such as EMI and RCA, the King's Singers have been required to branch out into areas, such as the music of the Beatles and Gilbert & Sullivan, and to other lightweight, popular fare. Although they always did a good job in these styles, it was easy to see that the King's Singers were at least a little out of their element. In the meantime, the rest of the early music world went by, and the few opportunities where the King's Singers were able to ply their trade as Renaissance specialists went little noticed. The early music "boom" ended long ago, as has the King's Singers contract with RCA, but the King's Singers have returned on the small, relatively new Signum label from the U.K., and for this occasion they have elected to record some of the most difficult Renaissance vocal music of all -- the "Responsories" of famously unhinged Prince of Venosa, Don Carlo Gesualdo. From this large 1611 publication the King's Singers select the "Tenebrae Responsories for Maundy Thursday." It is not an insult to this repertoire to say that it is great music when one is depressed; such is Gesualdo's mastery of emotional fluctuations, and the King's Singers perfectly capture the ebb and flow of Gesualdo's ever-changing moods. The King's Singers' performance of Gesualdo's little-known setting of "Tristis est anima mea" is absolutely extraordinary -- it dissolves seamlessly through Gesualdo's complex chromatic harmony without any sign of the Singers losing the central locus of pitch, a bear that has brought down the loftiest of choral groups in this music. Appropriate chant incipits are included, and Signum's recording, made in Douai Abbey in Berkshire, is just right -- not too far away and not too dry with the perspective on the singing up front; you can hear them breathe. The King's Singers' Gesualdo: Tenebrae Responsories for Maundy Thursday is simply superb and belongs in any well-rounded collection of Renaissance music. Welcome back, fellas!

by Uncle Dave Lewis




제수알도 [Don Carlo Gesualdo] 이탈리아 음악가

태어난 때 1560 나폴리
죽은 때 1613. 9. 8 나폴리.
국가 이탈리아 음악가, 류트 연주자.

매우 개성적인 마드리갈 을 작곡해서 유명하다. 생애의 대부분을 나폴리에서 보냈으며 1590년 바람 난 첫아내와 그 정부를 죽이도록 명령하고 1594년에 돈나 엘레노라 데스테와 재혼했다. 6권으로 된 그의 마드리갈 전집은 1594~1611년에 파트북 으로, 1613년에 총보로 출판되었는데 이것은 총보로 인쇄된 최초의 성악음악이었다. 첫 4권에 수록된 마드리갈은 전통적인 형식 속에 뛰어난 기량을 보여주며 마지막 2권에 실린 작품은 극적인 감탄사, 불연속적인 음색, 파격적인 화음을 보여주는 개성이 강한 작품들이다. 그 작품들은 극적인 효과를 크게 하기 위해 반음계주의 를 많이 사용했다. 르네상스 시대의 절제된 양식에서 바로크 시대의 보다 극적인 양식으로 변화해가는 과도기의 그의 작품들은 따를 자가 없는 독특한 개성을 지닌 그의 세계를 보여준다.



Composer: Carlo Gesualdo

Born: 1566 Died: 1613

Born into the Italian nobility, Don Carlo Gesualdo developed an early and passionate interest in music. Though recognized as a dynamic composer who was far ahead of his time, Gesualdo's brilliance as a musical talent has been overshadowed by his violent personal life. After discovering his wife (and first cousin), the lovely and charming Maria d'Avalos, in the arms of the Duke of Andria, Gesualdo flew into a jealous rage and stabbed them both to death. He fled to northern Italy to avoid persecution, and was never tried nor punished for his crimes. His second wife was Eleonora d'Este, a highborn lady whose powerful family included the Dukes of Ferrara and Modena. Gesualdo treated his second bride as dismally as his first, and his death in 1613 was rumored to have been arranged by the vengeful Eleonora. The incredible chromatic harmony and wild contrasts in his music seem to be a reflection of Gesualdo's temptestuous personality. His mania for constantly composing music may have been a sign of melomania.





잘생긴 꾀꼬리 꽃미남 리차드강 어리버리 돈키호테.