
앨범: 시빌리야 여인의 노래-까달루냐 - 조르디 사발 (1988 Astree Auvidis)

리차드 강 2018. 1. 14. 01:18

"Sibil·la Latine - 몽세라 피구에라스(sop)

조르디 사발(지휘) 카탈로니아 왕립 교회음악단(연주)


Sibilla Palmifella, Dante Gabriel Rossetti


Album Title: El Cant De La Sibil·la - Catalunya
Composer: Anonymous
Conductor: Jordi Savall
Performer: Montserrat Figueras (Soprano)
Orchestra: La Capella Reial de Catalunya
Audio CD (1988)
Number of Discs: 1
Format: CD, Album
Spars Code: DDD
Recorded in: Multi
Label: Astrée Auvidis
Copyright: (c) ℗ 1988/1996 Auvidis France
Country: France
Genre: Classical
Style: Medieval

Companies, etc.
Phonographic Copyright (p) – Auvidis France
Copyright (c) – Naïve
Manufactured By – DACD
Recorded At – Collégiale Du Château De Cardona

℗ 1988/1996 Auvidis France
© 2002 Naïve
Recorded in MArch 1988 at the Collégiale romane du Château de Cardona, Catalunya
comes in digipack with a 36-page booklet with notes by Jordi Savall and lyrics in French, English, German and Catalan

Track 전곡 연주

10∼16세기 巫女(무녀)들의 신비로움을 그대로 재현한 조르디 사발의 지휘, 소프라노 몽세라 피구에라스, 카탈로니아 왕립교회음악단이 협연한 시빌라의 노래 입니다.

La Capella Reial

   Cant de la Sibilla  (54:44)
   Composer   Anonymous
   Conductor   Jordi Savall
   Performer   Montserrat Figueras (Soprano)
   Orchestra   La Capella Reial de Catalunya
   Period   Medieval
   Date Written   Spain
   Language   Latin
   Date of Recording   03/1988
   Venue   Collégiale romane du Château de Cardona

01. Sibilla Latine (Barcelona X & XIth Centuries)   (18:41)
   Shawm [Chalemie] – Alfredo Bernardini
   Vielle [Vièle A Archet] – Jordi Savall

02. Sibilla Provençale (Montpellier, Lectionarium XII-XIIIth Centuries)  (13:10)
   Lute – Robert Crawford Young
   Voice – Josep Cabré

03. Sibilla Catalane (Seu D'Urgele, XVth Century)  (22:53)
   Bassoon – Josep Borràs, Lorenzo Alpert
   Ensemble – Hespèrion XX
   Horn – Jean-Pierre Canihac
   Oud – Robert Crawford Young
   Percussion – Angel Perreira
   Sackbut [Sacqueboute] – Daniel Lasalle
   Shawm – Alfredo Bernardini
   Viol – Jordi Savall
   Viol [Alto] – Eunice Brandão
   Viol [Bass] – Lorenz Duftschmid
   Viol [Tenor] – Sergi Casademunt

Jordi Savall, Montserrat Figueras(사발의 부인), Rolf Lislevand

시빌라의 노래는 기원전 6세기, 시빌이라는 무녀들에게서 비롯된다. 아폴로에게 예언 능력을 부여받았다는 시빌들은 기독교 시대에 시빌의 신탁에 대한 문헌이 불태워지는 수난을 당하기도 했다. 그러나 일부가 보존되어 기독교 세계에서 중요하게 다뤄졌다. 시빌의 노래가 음악적으로 흥미로운 것은 중세를 거쳐 르네상스까지도 기본 선율이 살아 있다는 것. 그 기원이 고대까지 이어져 있을 것이라는 가능성 때문이다. 시빌 역의 몽셰라 피구에라스는 사분음계에 바탕을 둔 미묘한 선율과 꺾는 음 같은 동방풍의 선율 처리를 훌륭하게 해내 진지하게는 고대 선율의 물리적 재현을 호기심 많은 청중에게는 흥미로운 들을 거리를 제공하고 있다. 해설(박정원:음악 칼럼니스트)


EL CANT DE LA SIBILLA  •  Montserrat Figueras (sop); Jordi Savall, dir; Capella Reial de Catalunya  •  ALIA VOX AVSA 9879 (SACD: 55:05  Text and Translation)

The Erythrean Sibyl was one of the pagan prophets that were cited by Christian writers (in this case, St. Augustine) as witnesses to the coming of the Messiah. A homily attributed to St. Augustine was read at Christmas Matins, and in the 10th century the Song of the Sibyl was sung during that Office. Later it was used on Good Friday because of its relevance to   the day of judgment. Vernacular versions have been sung in polyphony since the later Middle Ages.

This disc first appeared as Astrée E 8705 ( Fanfare  12:6), later reissued on Fontalis and now again in Super Audio. It offers Latin, Provençal, and Catalan examples of the song. It was followed by a second disc on Fontalis ES 9900 (20:6) containing examples from Galicia and Castile. A third disc (incorrectly characterized as the second in 23:1) on Alia Vox AV 9806 had versions from Mallorca and Valencia, in all a total of seven versions of the Song of the Sibyl. Montserrat Figueras is a superb artist who every so often gives us an extraordinary program of surpassing beauty such as this one, a point I made when I reviewed  Ninna Nanna  (26:6). The seven versions of the song are fascinating, but this disc is the indispensable one of the three, for the first track is the original Latin chant. Other recordings of this chant have all been truncated, if I recall correctly, except Brigitte Lesne’s lovely version (18:5), which is complete but takes half as long to sing as Figueras’s expansive rendition. The two use different sources, Lesne using BnF lat. 1018, while Savall mentions five sources without indicating which one he has used.


잘생긴 꾀꼬리 꽃미남 리차드강 어리버리 돈키호테.