My Favorite Pop

Dust In The Wind - Kansas │ '70 Populer

리차드 강 2009. 5. 9. 08:43

Dust In The Wind - Kansas

Point of Know Return (January 1, 1977)

Kansas (1971 - )

Dust In The Wind



I close my eyes.
Only for a moment.
And the moment's gone.
All my dreams.
Pass before my eyes a curiosity.
Dust in the wind.
All they are is dust in the wind.

Same old song.
Just a drop of water in an endless sea.
All we do.
Crumbles to the ground though we refuse to see.
Dust in the wind.
all we are is dust in the wind.

Don't hang on.
Nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky.
It slips away.
All your money wouldn't another minute buy.

Dust in the wind.
All we are is dust in the wind.
Dust in the wind.
Everything is dust in the wind.


나는 잠시동안 눈을 감지.
그리고 그 순간은 가 버리고
내 모든 꿈들은 눈앞에서
그저 호기심으로 지나쳐 버려.
바람속의 먼지
그 모든 것들은 바람속의 먼지일 뿐.

늘 같은 이야기.
망망대해의 물 한 방울일 뿐.
우리가 하는 일들은
모두 부서져 무덤으로 가버리지.
비록 우린 그 모습을
보고 싶어하진 않지만...
바람속의 먼지.
우린 모두 바람속의
먼지같은 존재일 뿐.

그렇게 집착하지마.
영원한 것은 아무것도 없어.
땅과 하늘 밖에는.
사라져 버리는 거야.
당신 돈을 모두 준다해도,
단1분도 살 수가 없어
바람속의 먼지.
우린 모두 바람속의 먼지.
모든 것은 바람속의 먼지일 뿐.




캔사스는 70년대 초반 영국에서 시작되어 미국 시장으로 밀려 들어온 프로그레시브 록의 영향을 받아 미국인 특유의 대륙적인 기질과 절묘하게 배합시켜 독자적인 사운드를 구축해 왔다.



미국의 대표적인 심포니 록 그룹인 캔사스는 1970년대 초반 고등학교 동창생들로 구성되어 캔사스출신의 6인조 락그룹으로 캔사스에서 결성되었는데 이들은 처음부터 쾌조를 보여 첫 앨범이 골드를 기록하였다. 1975년 발표한 2집 앨범 <Song for America>에서도 동명의 싱글을 히트시킨 이들은 4집 <Leftoverture>에서 커트된 싱글<Carry on wayward Son>이 세계적인 히트를 기록했는데 이 곡은 1977년에 발표한 <Point of know return>에 수록된 곡으로 1960년대 반전운동을 펼치며 평화와 자유를 주장한 미국 젊은이들에 대한 향수와 거대한 현실 앞에서 무력한 자신들의 모습을 흩날리는 먼지에 비유하여 노래하는 내용이다.

미국 캔사스 주의 토페카 웨스트 하이스쿨 동창생들로 구성된 캔사스는 1971년

멤버-로비 스테인하르트(Robby Steingardt : 바이올린, 보컬),
        스티브 윌쉬(Steve Walsh : 키보드, 보컬),
        케리 리브그랜(Kerry Livgren : 기타),
        리치 윌리엄스(Rich Williams : 기타),
        데이브 호프(Dave Hope : 베이스),
        필 에하트(Phil Ehart : 드럼)의 6인조로 출발하였다.

이들은 그후 클럽을 전전하다가 그룹 도어스(The Doors)의 리더인 짐 모리슨(Jim Morrison)의 마지막 공연장이었던 뉴올리언즈에서 오프닝 밴드로 출연하여 공식 데뷔 하였는데, 이때 CBS레코드 계열의 거목 돈 커쉬너에게 발탁되어 커쉬너 레이블과 계약, 1974년 3월 데뷔 앨범 <Kansas>를 발표하면서 거기에 수록된 대 'Incomudro-Humn To The Atman' 이 극적 구성과 드럼의 스테레오 분리 등으로 화제를 모으며 골드를 획득하며 그 모습을 드러내기 시작했다.

데뷔 앨범으로 골드 LP를 기록한 이들은 이듬해 1975년 2월에 두번째 앨범인 'Song For America'를 내놓아 전미국의 라디오 방송국에서 환영을 받았고 동년 10월 세번째 앨범 'Masque'를 내놓아 당시 영국의 프로그레시브 그룹인 Yes나 Genesis와 유사한 스타일로 호평을 받는 동시에 나름대로 예술성을 가미하고 기본적인 하르록 사운드를 잃지 않아 계속적인 골드를 획득하였다.

1976년 10월에 캔사스는 4집 'Leftoverture'를 내놓아 미국 차트 11위에 랭크되는 히트와 함께 싱글 'Carry on wayward son'로 세계적인 명성을 얻는데 결정적 수훈을 세웠고, 1977년 9월 로비 스타인하르트의 집시 바이올린과 속삭이는 듯한 감미로운 스티브윌시의 보컬이 절묘한 싱글 'Dust in the wind'를 담은  1977년 7월 명반, 앨범 'Point Of Know Retum'을 발표한 이 음반은 전작에서 지적되었던 점을 보완하여 만든 작품으로, 타이틀송과 지금도 국내 팬들로부터 사랑 받고 있는 <Dust in the wind>그리고 <Portrait(he knew)>가 차례대로 차트에 등장했으며 이앨범은 멀티 플래티넘을 획득하였다.

이후 6집 7집 그리고 과거의 스타일에서 약간 변형된 8집 <Audiovisions>를 발표해 상업적으로 세련된 균형을 유지했다. 예술적으로 다양함을 과시한 이들은 1982년 5월 히트곡 <Play the game tonight>을 낳은 아홉 번째 앨범 <Vinyl Confessions>을 내놓았다.

바이올리니스트 로비의 탈퇴로 인해 5인조롤 축소 되자 현악 파트를 제거하고 소위 심포닉 록에서 정통 록으로 일대 전환을 시도했다. 방향전환을 시도한 이들은 1983년 들어 그룹 경력 10년을 기념하는 열 번째 앨범 <Drastic Measure>를 발표했으나 큰 반응은 얻지 못했다.그러나 1978년 공개된 Monolith부터는 89년까지 상업적인 실패가 이어졌다.

1984년 첫 베스트 앨범을 발표한 후 1986년에 오리지널 라인업인 리치 윌리엄스(Rich Williams : 기타)와 필 에하트(Phil Ehart : 드럼), 스티브 윌쉬(Steve Walsh : 키보드, 보컬)등은 빌 크레아와 스티브 모즈(기타)를 맞이하여 5인조로 새 진용을 갖추고 앨범 Power를 MCA로 이적하여 내놓아 미국 차트의 상위권에 진출하였다.

그후 2년간 공백기를 가진 다음 1988년 10월 앨범 In The Spirit Of Things를 발표, 이 앨범에서 스티브 모즈와 스티브 윌시가 훌륭한 조화를 이루고 있다. 한편 스티브 윌시는 80년에 솔로앨범 Schemer Dreamer를 발표하였다.

1992년 4월 5일 캔사스는 로스엔젤레스에서 공연 하였으며, 그 실황을 담은 앨범 Live At The Whiskey를 1993년에 발표하기도 하였다.

출처 : 하늘 정원 방송국




노래이야기  [오마이뉴스   2002-09-30 04:17:23]
캔사스(kansas)라는 미국의 프로그레시브 락 그룹은 'Dust in the wind' 라는 노래에서 "바람에 나부끼는 먼지, 모든 것은 바람에 흩날리는 먼지일 뿐" 이라고 말합니다. 마치 인생무상을 느끼게 하는 구절입니다
"그렇게 집착하지마, 땅과 하늘 외에 영원한 것은 아무 것도 없어" 라며 현실을 애써 외면하려는 듯 한 인상을 주는 이 노래는 황량한 환절기의 대화공단 거리에서 날아다니는 모래바람을 떠올리게 하지요.

아무도 없는 대화공단의 밤거리에서 바람이 일으키는 모래먼지는 10여 년 전 동양강철 노동자들의 작업화와 콘크리트가 부딪히며 뿜어대던 그 소리와 모습을 제외하고는 그대로입니다.

매우 서정적인 포크음악으로 국내에서도 많이 애창되던 'Dust in the wind' 는 실제 60년대에서 70년대의 용광로를 경험한 미국 젊은이들의 심정을 참으로 황량하게 표현한 노래입니다.

반전 운동 및 인권 운동의 소용돌이 속에서 그들의 영웅들이 하나 둘 사라져가고, 20대의 청년들은 30대와 40대의 가장이 되었고, 그들의 이상은 이미 하늘아래 땅 위에 자취를 감추어가던 70년대 말 그들이 본 온통 먼지뿐인 땅과 하늘 사이의 모습입니다. 아마도 지난 날 평화와 자유의 공동체를 부르짖던 그들이, 현실에서의 무기력한 자신들을 바람에 날리는 먼지에 비유 한 것 같습니다.

Point of Know Return (January 1, 1977)


"내 모든 꿈들은 눈앞에서 그저 호기심으로 지나쳐 버려. 우린 결국 흙으로 돌아가는 걸"

젊은이들의 꿈과 이상이 거대한 현실 앞에서 무너지고, 그렇지만 살아 가야하는 그들에게 현실은 부질없는 공허한 현상에 지나지 않는 것이라고 조용히 외치는 것 같습니다.

실제로 미국의 대중음악은 70년대를 지나면서 60년대의 락과 포크의 사회성들이 미미해지면서 컨츄리 락, 하드 락으로의 음악적인 변화의 시기를 거치는데 이 시기가 락 음악에 있어서 예술성이 꽃 피던 시기입니다.

60년대 미국의 대중음악이 사회적인 메시지를 그 내용으로 하는 음악들로 특징 지워진다면 70년대 이후부터는 음악 형식이나 연주 테크닉이 다양해지고 화려해 지는 사운드의 발전으로 이어짐과 동시에 반전과 평화의 자리에 자연과 인간에 대한 회귀로 이어집니다. 그렇게 완전히 패배를 인정해야 하는 60년대의 젊은이들은 80년대를 목전에 둔 70년대말 거리의 바람에 이는 먼지 같은 존재로 자신들의 상처를 연민의 시선으로 보듬었겠지요.

"우린 모두 바람에 흩날리는 먼지 같은 존재일 뿐"

90년대를 돌이켜보면 현실이라는 냉엄한 벌판 위에 발가벗겨진 우리나라의 젊은이들도 바람에 흩날리는 먼지 같은 무기력을 경험했을 겁니다. 우리에서 나에게로 향하는 경험과, 그 불완전한 나들이 현실에서 바람에 흩날리는 먼지 같은 나를 봄으로서 'Dust in the wind' 는 그렇듯 작은 소리로 지난날의 이상이 앞으로의 변화와 만날 수 있기를 기대 하는 듯 했다면 지나친 비약일까요?

먼지는 작고 가볍지만 손아귀에 움켜잡히지 않으므로, 아마도 'Dust in the wind' 에서의 먼지는 차라리 여백의 시간으로 이해하고 싶습니다.

2000년대를 살아가면서 우리의 삶이 오래 전의 순수한 열정과 예술성(?)이 더해져서 만나지고 있는지를 생각해보며 한밤에 혼자서 조용히 캔사스의 'Dust in the wind' 를 들어보고 싶습니다. /김유신



Kansas History

1970-1974: The early years and changing lineups

Lynn Meredith, Don Montre, Dan Wright and Kerry Livgren were together in 1969 in a band called The Reasons Why. They changed their name to Saratoga and started playing Livgren's original material with Scott Kessler on bass and Zeke Lowe on drums. They soon changed their name again to Kansas and took on some new band members in 1970.

Dave Hope (bass), Phil Ehart (drums), and Kerry Livgren (guitar, and later keyboards) formed the progressive rock group named Kansas in 1970 in their hometown of Topeka, Kansas, along with vocalist Lynn Meredith from Manhattan, Kansas, keyboardist Don Montre, keyboardist Dan Wright, and saxophonist Larry Baker. This was the first lineup of Kansas and lasted until 1971, when Ehart left for England. Fans refer to this lineup as Kansas I.

Ehart was replaced by Zeke Lowe and later Brad Schulz. Hope was replaced by Rod Mikinski on bass, and Baker was replaced by John Bolton on saxophone and flute. Fans refer to this lineup as Kansas II.

In the meantime, Ehart and Hope formed a group called White Clover with Robby Steinhardt (violin, vocals), Steve Walsh (keyboards, vocals) and Rich Williams (guitar). They changed their name to Kansas when they recruited Livgren from the second Kansas group, which then folded. A demo, cut at a small studio in Liberal, KS for a $300 fee wound up in the hands of a contact on the east coast, and good news came about the tape while the band was gigging in Dodge City, KS in 1973.[1] Kansas III soon received a record deal with Don Kirshner's eponymous label, and they recorded the first Kansas album shortly thereafter.

1974-1979: A gradual rise to national prominence
A somewhat successful debut album, Kansas (#174), was released in 1974, and showcased Kansas' signature mix of guitars, keyboards, vocals, and Steinhardt's ever-present violin submerging American-style boogie-rock into complex, even symphonic, arrangements and changing time signatures. Their sound bore the marks of late 1960s, early 1970s progressive rock, especially Emerson, Lake and Palmer. Relentless promotion by Kirshner and touring behind the debut album and its two follow ups, Song for America (#57) and Masque (#70), slowly brought Kansas' name to households across America.

During the mid-seventies they developed into one of the most monumental rock bands of their time to see in concert, becoming a major headlining act for several years, selling out large arenas and concert halls.

On the strength of the major hit single "Carry on Wayward Son" (#11) the band's fourth album, Leftoverture (#5), released in 1976 was a smash hit and a constant presence on the burgeoning AOR radio format. The follow up Point of Know Return (#4), released in 1977, featured the title track (#28) and "Dust in the Wind" (#6), both hit singles, and was an even bigger success than Leftoverture. Both albums had unique album covers, with Leftoverture having a DaVinci-like individual on the cover, and Point of Know Return having an image of the age old idea of the edge of the world on its cover. Both albums have sold over 4 million copies in the USA alone, as has the band's popular greatest hits collection.

The 1979 album Monolith (#10), which featured lyrics influenced by The Urantia Book, was less popular, although it included the hit single "People of the South Wind" (#23). The album cover features what appears to be a tribe of Sioux warriors living under the ruins of highway overpasses. The cover also deals with semi-futuristic influences, as the view of the moon behind the Sioux chieftain on the cover and the ruin of the overpass emulate an otherworldly atmosphere. It is also widely believed that the name Kansas itself is Indian for People Of The South Wind.

1980-1983: Creative tensions and controversial directions
Kansas began to fall apart in the early 1980s. Kerry Livgren became a born-again Christian, and this was reflected in his lyrics on the next three albums, beginning with Audio-Visions (#26). Dave Hope soon converted to Christianity as well, and it became obvious to Walsh that Kansas was moving in a different creative direction. As a result, he left to form a new band, Streets. Walsh was replaced by vocalist John Elefante, also a born-again Christian, who along with his brother Dino, later became known for producing albums for Christian rock bands Petra, Bride and Guardian.

Kansas' first album with Elefante, Vinyl Confessions (#16), released in 1982, was their most successful studio release since Point of Know Return. The record generated the band's first top twenty hit in years with "Play the Game Tonight" (#17), and the album's overtly Christian lyrics attracted an entirely new audience of evangelical Christians, who used lyrics from the record in religious tracts handed out after Kansas concerts.

By 1983, Kansas had scheduled time to record their next album, but the changes in the band that had begun with Audio-Visions were more fully manifesting themselves. Robby Steinhardt failed to show up to record the album. Kerry Livgren was holding some of his best material back due to more explicit Christian content, intending to save them for his second solo album. Kansas' next release Drastic Measures (#41) was written mostly by the Elefante brothers, with just three tracks from Livgren, although all three have been favorites among many fans. The change in musical direction was closer to the sound of 1980s bands Loverboy or Foreigner than Kansas' earlier work. Livgren had always felt pressure from the music industry to produce more commercially viable material, and ironically such attempts always led to commercial failure, while their most successful material was never intended as hits. But the band's new direction did seem more commercially directed on Drastic Measures, and this was reflected in the lyrics of "Mainstream," a criticism of the dominant mindset within the music industry, which ironically the very album it was on was coming closer to reflecting.

During the Elefante years of Kansas, Livgren and Hope had been feeling more distant from the other band members, and Livgren was becoming increasingly uncomfortable with Kansas representing his Christian worldview. After a final New Years' Eve performance on December 31, 1983, Livgren and Hope left to form AD with former Bloodrock member Warren Ham, who had toured with Kansas in 1982, and Michael Gleason, who had toured with Kansas in 1983. They were joined by drummer Dennis Holt. Elefante, Ehart, and Williams sought to continue, as demonstrated by their recording of one more song for the 1984 The Best of Kansas, but that was the last effort by the band with Elefante, whose main attraction to the band had been Livgren. In recent years, Elefante has become a popular contemporary Christian music singer and has never again performed with Kansas in any of its reconstituted lineups.

1986-present: Reformation and relentless touring
In 1986, the band came back together with Walsh but sans Livgren, Hope, and Steinhardt. They released Power with new bassist Billy Greer (whom Walsh had worked with in Streets), guitarist Steve Morse formerly of the Dixie Dregs, and notably, no violin player (though in concert, Morse would perform the solo on "Dust in the Wind" on a violin). "All I Wanted," from Power became the last Kansas single to hit the Billboard Magazine Top 20 charts. 1988 saw this lineup's second album, In the Spirit of Things, a favorite of several band members but a commercial failure. Morse left the band at the end of this tour.

In 1990, a German promoter arranged to reunite all the original members of Kansas III except Steinhardt for a European tour. Greer joined them, along with keyboardist Greg Robert, who had been touring with them in the Steve Morse years. At the end of the tour, Hope left again but Livgren remained on into 1991, which also saw the return of the violin but this time in the form of David Ragsdale. Livgren left during the 1991 tour, to be replaced temporarily by Steve Morse again. After the tour, Morse left, saying that David Ragsdale could cover the extra guitar parts, leaving Rich Williams as the primary guitar player. The resulting lineup of Ehart, Greer, Ragsdale, Robert, Walsh, Williams last from 1992 through 1997. This period saw one live album, Live at the Whiskey, in 1992, and the 1995 fan-favorite Freaks of Nature, a return to classic form that nonetheless did not make a mark.

In 1997, Robert and Ragsdale left the band, and Robby Steinhardt returned. They recorded Always Never the Same with an orchestra as a sixth band member, featuring mostly older songs alongside a few new ones and one cover. Kansas has continued to tour year after year, but the band has never been able to regain any mass popularity or critical notice even despite the decent sales of Somewhere to Elsewhere, an album that featured all original members of Kansas III plus Greer, with all songs written by Livgren. The album sold very well on the Internet when it was first released, charting at Number 10 on the Billboard Internet sales charts its first week.

In 2002, Kansas II, the Kansas lineup before the group that recorded the first album, released an album of demos and live material they had recorded from 1971-1973. For legal reasons and a desire not to ride on the success of Kansas III, they decided to use the name Proto-Kaw. This led to a new album by most of the Kansas II members called Before Became After in 2004 and simultaneous tours by both Kansas groups. Proto-Kaw released a third album in 2006, entitled The Wait of Glory.

Kansas has announced a 2006 road schedule. The tour was delayed for a few weeks in connection with the surprise announcement that original violinist and secondary lead singer Robby Steinhardt had left the band [2]. He had left in 1983 but returned in 1997. Robby was a central part of the band's live shows, acting as the defacto emcee during both tenures with the band. David Ragsdale has subsequently returned to the lineup at violin.

Continued influence
With classic rock continuing to be a strong genre of music, Kansas' influence has continued to inspire bands. There have been covers of "Carry on Wayward Son" by bands such as Rachel Rachel and Critical Mass as well as continuing appearances on album soundtracks such as the movies Heroes and Anchorman. Even country superstars The Oak Ridge Boys have weighed in with a cover. Also progressive metal Vanden Plas has covered Kansas, by making a somewhat heavier cover of "Point of Know Return." "Dust in the Wind" has been covered by Christian artists Billy Smiley and Acappella and by New York Yankee's center fielder and aspiring jazz guitarist Bernie Williams on his 2004 debut album "The Journey Within".

The band's biggest single, "Dust in the Wind," has gained some recent acclaim, being used in a Subaru commercial and in the film Old School. The single was certified Gold as a digital download by the RIAA in 2005, almost 30 years after it sold 1 million copies as a single.


Studio Albums
1974 Kansas
1974 Song for America
1975 Masque
1976 Leftoverture
1977 Point of Know Return
1979 Monolith
1980 Audio-Visions
1982 Vinyl Confessions
1983 Drastic Measures
1986 Power
1988 In the Spirit of Things
1995 Freaks of Nature
1998 Always Never the Same
2000 Somewhere to Elsewhere

Live Albums
1978 Two for the Show
1992 Live at the Whisky
1998 King Biscuit Flower Hour Presents Kansas
2002 Device, Voice, Drum [CD/DVD]
2003 Greatest Hits Live [re-release of King Biscuit Flower Hour Presents Kansas]

1984 The Best of Kansas
1992 Carry on
1998 The Kansas Boxed Set
1999 The Best of Kansas [expanded]
2002 The Ultimate Kansas
2004 Sail on: The 30th Anniversary Collection
2005 on the Other Side [re-release of Carry on]
2006 Works in Progress

출처 : Wikipedia


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