
The Oboe - 클래식 음향 인스트루먼트 (LASERLIGHT 1990)

리차드 강 2010. 12. 6. 13:18

The Instruments of Classical Music: The Oboe


The OBoe 클래식 음향 인스트루먼트

Various Artists

Mozart - Rondo (Oboe Concerto in C, K314)

The Oboe - The Instruments Of Classical Music
Label: LaserLight Digital
Country: US
Released: 1990
Genre: Classical
Style: Renaissance, Baroque, Modern, Romantic, Classical

Track List

1. 모짜르트: 오보에 협주곡 다장조, K. 314 - 론도, 알레그레토
2. 바흐: 오보에 협주곡 라단조. BWV 1059R - 아다지오
3. 헨델: 오라토리오 솔로몬 HWV 67 - 신포니아 "시바여왕의 도착
4. C.P.E. 바흐: 오보에 협주곡 내림 나장조, H. 466
5. 헨델: 수상음악모음 제1번 바장조, HWV 348 - 아다지오...
6. 차이코프스키: 발레, 백조의 호수, Op. 20 - 백조의 춤
7. 요한 밴젤 칼리보다: 오보에를 위한 독주협주곡 바장조, Op. 110 - 비바체
8. 베토벤: 교향곡 제3번 내림 마장조 (영웅), Op. 55 - 장송 행진곡풍으로
9. 비발디: 오보에 협주곡 바장조, RV 455 - 알레그로
10. 비발디: 오보에 협주곡 다장조, RV 447 - 미뉴에트
11. 쥐세페 퍼렌디스: 오보에 협주곡 제1번 바장조 - 론도
12. 헨델: 수상음악모음곡 제1번 바장조, HWV 348 - 혼파이프
13. 차이코프스키: 발레, 백조의 호수, Op. 20 - 장면
14. 드보르작: 교향곡 제9번 마단조(신세계로부터), B. 178 - 라르고
15. 안토니오 파스쿨리: 도니체티의  "라 파보리타" 주제에 의한 협주곡 - 알레그레토...



1. Oboe Concerto in C major, K. 314 (K. 285d) - Rondo (Allegretto) 5:19
Composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
with Burkhard Glaetzner
Conducted by Hartmut Haenchen

2. Concerto for oboe, strings & continuo in D minor (reconstruction), BWV 1059R - Adagio 3:08
Composed by Johann Sebastian Bach
with Burkhard Glaetzner, New Bach Collegium Musicum Leipzig
Conducted by Max Pommer

3. Solomon, oratorio, HWV 67 - Sinfonia "Arrival of the Queen of Sheba" 3:19
Composed by George Frideric Handel
with Budapest Strings (Béla Bánfalvi, violin)

4. Concerto for oboe, strings & continuo in B flat major, H. 466, Wq. 164 - Unspecified excerpt 6:53
Composed by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
with Burkhard Glaetzner, New Bach Collegium Musicum Leipzig
Conducted by Max Pommer

5. Water Music Suite No.1 for orchestra in F major, HWV 348 - Adagio e staccato 2:28
Composed by George Frideric Handel
with Budapest Strings

6. The Swan Lake, ballet, Op. 20 - Dance of the Swans 1:34
Composed by Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky
with Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra
Conducted by Hans Vonk

7. Concertino for oboe & orchestra in F major, Op 110 - Vivace 5:21
Composed by Johann Wenzel Kalliwoda
Performed by Berlin Symphony Orchestra
with Burkhard Glaetzner
Conducted by Claus Peter Flor

8. Symphony No. 3 in E flat major ("Eroica"), Op. 55 - Marcia funebre 4:48
Composed by Ludwig van Beethoven

9. Oboe Concerto, for oboe, strings & continuo in F major, RV 455 - Allegro 2:29
Composed by Antonio Vivaldi
with Burkhard Glaetzner, New Bach Collegium Musicum Leipzig
Conducted by Max Pommer

10. Oboe Concerto, for oboe, strings & continuo in C major, RV 447 - Minuet 6:49
Composed by Antonio Vivaldi
with Burkhard Glaetzner, New Bach Collegium Musicum Leipzig
Conducted by Max Pommer

11. Concerto for oboe & orchestra No 1 in F major - Rondo 3:36
Composed by Giuseppe Ferlendis
with Burkhard Glaetzner

12. Water Music Suite No.1 for orchestra in F major, HWV 348 - Hornpipe 1:20
Composed by George Frideric Handel
with Budapest Strings

13. The Swan Lake, ballet, Op. 20 - Scene 2:51
Composed by Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky
Performed by Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra
Conducted by Hans Vonk

14. Symphony No. 9 in E minor ("From the New World"), B. 178 (Op. 95) (first published as No. 5) - Largo 4:30
Composed by Antonin Dvorak
Performed by New Philharmonia Orchestra
Conducted by Vernon Handley

15. Concerto on Themes from Donizetti's "La Favorita" for oboe & piano - Allegretto-Allegro velocissimo 7:46
Composed by Antonio Pasculli
Performed by Berlin Symphony Orchestra
with Burkhard Glaetzner
Conducted by Claus Peter Flor



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