World Movement of Christian Workers
In our still patriarchal society, women, although discriminated, keep struggling, building new realities and make a difference. They suffer social discrimination, oppression, family pressure but they persist in the struggle for a world in which all have a voice and everyone has a decent life. Women, mothers, girlfriends, sisters, partners. Godmothers, wives, aunts, grandmothers. Women cooks, laundresses, nurses, teachers, nurses. Women are present in lifetime. Women involved and change situations. The world is full of the synergy of women and only they / we transform reality and weave new ways of brotherhood. All this despite the situation of women in the world is still worrisome: 2/3 of illiterate people in the world are women. Women constitute 60% of the workforce on the planet, but they do not earn more than 10% of global income. only 1% of women own land. Domestic violence is the leading cause of death for women between 14 and 44 years. The conquest of rights and solidarity with women in the workplace are the foundation to find ways to a world of justice. In many countries women join together with other movements and organizations to commemorate the importance of their struggle for a just world without violence against women. A world where all, from their different approaches, are entitled to a decent life and without any oppression or repression. In the World Movement of Christian Workers (WMCW), women, men and young people of all classes and professional categories are inserted and integrated into different types of actions to fight as women did in New York on 8th March, 1857. Many of women in various countries assume responsibilities as heads of households and are the first to feel firsthand the impacts of an evil capitalist system that oppresses. A system that leads many young people and teenagers away from the bosom of their families. A system that forces these women to let their children go in search of a better life. Many times they end up in the streets and die prematurely as a result. In many countries women work from sun to shade and in subhuman conditions in the field, in the informal economy or in precarious jobs. We see a strong presence of women in industry, in spite of being under-qualified for this. In this sector, women are frequently exposed to the risks of industrial chemicals and thus, to various diseases. All of them find hope in training offered by movements training and support groups such as in ECOSOL (Social and Solidarity Economy). We highlight the efforts of the International Labour Organization (ILO), which is always attentive to all types of violence suffered by women, and seeks ways, together with other organizations, to improve the quality of life, mainly for domestic workers and the informal sector, whose category is composed mostly of women. We note that in recent years, some countries have made progress in improving the quality of life of women because they have organized. But we must remember that, despite these advances, in the world, every second a woman is victim of violence or is killed, largely of cases by their partners, who do not accept that women look for a job or any other way to be independent, going out of oppression. Despite all the progress made and the work of training developed, WMCW, in the gender issue continues the struggle with all its member movements in four continents and with sister organizations to find ways and viable solutions from the reality of every working woman.
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