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드가 Edgar Degas (1834~1917) 철저하게 집착하는 데상의 명수(名手)

리차드 강 2009. 4. 16. 13:15

드가 Edgar Degas (1834~1917) 철저하게 집착하는 데상의 명수(名手)

에드가 드가(프랑스어: Edgar Degas, 1834년 7월 19일 ~ 1917년 9월 29일)는 프랑스의 유명한 화가이자 조각가이다. 인상주의의 창시자 중 한 사람으로 평가받고 있다.

파리에서 태어난 그는 주로 발레 무용수와 경주마를 작품 소재로 삼았다. 주로 인상주의로 분류되기는 하지만 그의 작품들 중에는 고전주의와 사실주의 색채를 띠고 낭만주의의 영향을 받은 것들도 있다.

Tänzerin mit Blumenstrauß (Der Star des Balletts) (1878년경)루이 르 그랑 중등학교를 졸업하고 파리 대학 법학부에 들어갔으나 학업을 포기하고 1855년 앵그르의 제자 루이 라모트의 소개로 국립미술학교에 입학했다. 루브르 박물관을 드나들면서 거장들의 그림을 익혔다. 1856년에는 유럽을 여행하며 뒤러, 만테냐, 렘브란트, 고야 같은 고전주의 거장들의 그림을 공부했다.

1872년 어머니의 고향인 미국의 뉴올리언스로 떠나 미국의 역동성을 목격했다. 1873년 파리로 돌아와 인상주의 화가들과 본격적인 교류를 시작했다.

말년에는 지병인 눈병이 악화되어 시력을 거의 잃는 바람에 주로 조각에 몰두했다. 그는 평생 독신으로 지냈다.

예술가의 초상 / 드가 Edgar Degas (1834~1917)


Degas, Edgar / A Woman Seated beside a Vase of Flowers 1865
Oil on canvas 29 x 36 1/2 in (73.7 x 92.7 cm)
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York


Degas, Edgar / Le Defile Horses Before the Stands c. 1866-68 Essence on paper mounted on canvas 18 1/8 x 24 in (46 x 61 cm)
Musee d'Orsay, Paris


Degas, Edgar / Portrait of a Young Woman 1867 Oil on canvas
10 5/8 x 8 5/8 in (27 x 22 cm) Musee d'Orsay, Paris


Degas, Edgar / Mlle Fiocre in the Ballet "The Source" 1867-68
Oil on canvas 51 1/8 x 57 1/8 in (130 x 145 cm) The Brooklyn Museum


Degas, Edgar / Portrait of James Tissot 1867-68 Oil on canvas
59 5/8 x 44 in (151.4 x 112 cm) Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York


Degas, Edgar / Portrait of James Tissot Detail 1867-68 Oil on canvas
59 5/8 x 44 in (151.4 x 112 cm) Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York


Degas, Edgar / Interior (The Rape) c. 1868-69 Oil on canvas
32 x 45 in. (81.28 x 114.3 cm) Philadelphia Museum of Art


Degas, Edgar / Portrait, Evening (Madame Camus) 1869-70
Oil on canvas 28 5/8 x 36 1/4 in (72.7 x 92.1 cm)
National Gallery of Art, Washington


Degas, Edgar / Jockeys Before the Race 1869-72
Oil, essence, with touches of pastel on paper
42 1/8 x 28 3/4 in. (107 x 73 cm)
Barber Institute of Fine Arts, University of Birmingham


Degas, Edgar / Aux courses en province At the Races in the Country
c. 1872 Oil on canvas 36.5 x 55.9 cm (14 3/8 x 22")
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston


Degas, Edgar / Ecole de danse 1873 Oil on canvas
19 1/16 x 24 5/8 in. (48.3 x 62.5 cm)
Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington


Degas, Edgar / The Cotton Exchange in New Orleans 1873
Oil on canvas 28 3/4 x 36 1/4 in. (73 x 92 cm)
Musée Municipal de Pau, France


Degas, Edgar / La classe de danse (The Dancing class) c. 1873-75
Oil on canvas 33 1/2 x 29 1/2 in. (85 x 75 cm) Musee d'Orsay, Paris


Degas, Edgar / The Rehearsal c. 1873-78 Oil on canvas
18 1/2 x 24 3/8 in. (41 x 61.7 cm)
Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA


Degas, Edgar / The Dance Class 1874 Oil on canvas
25 5/8 x 31 7/8 in (65 x 81 cm) Musee d'Orsay, Paris


Degas, Edgar / Dance School c. 1874 Oil and tempera on canvas 17 x 22 1/2 in. (43 x 57 cm) The Shelburne Museum, Shelburne, Vermont


Degas, Edgar / Laundress (Silhouette) c. 1874 Oil on canvas 21 3/8 x 15 1/2 in (54.3 x 39.4 cm) Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York


Degas, Edgar / Henri Rouart in Front of His Factory c. 1875 Oil on canvas 25 5/8 x 19 3/4 in (65 x 50 cm) Carnegie Institute Museum of Art


Degas, Edgar / Place de la Concorde 1875 Oil on canvas 30 7/8 x 46 1/4 in. (78.4 x 117.5 cm) No. 3K 1399 Formerly collection Gerstenberg/Scharf, Berlin Hermitage, St Petersburg


Degas, Edgar / Peasant Girls Bathing in the Sea at Dusk 1875-76 Oil on canvas 25 5/8 x 31 7/8 in (65 x 81 cm) Private collection, Northern Ireland


Degas, Edgar / L'absinthe 1876 Oil on canvas 36 1/4 x 26 3/4 in. (92 x 68 cm) Musee d'Orsay, Paris


Degas, Edgar / Dancers Practicing at the Bar 1876-77 Oil colors freely mixed with turpentine, on canvas 29 3/4 x 32 in (75.6 x 81.3 cm)
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York


Degas, Edgar / Laundresses Carrying Linen in Town c. 1876-78
Oil colors freely mixed with turpentine on paper mounted on canvas
18 x 24 in. (46 x 61 cm) Private collection


Degas, Edgar / Cabaret c. 1877 Pastel over monotype on paper
9 1/2 x 17 1/2 in. (24.1 x 44.5 cm) Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington


Degas, Edgar / Singer with a Glove c. 1878 Pastel and liquid medium on canvas 20 3/4 x 16 in. (52.8 x 41.1 cm)
Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA


Degas, Edgar / L'etoile OR La danseuse sur la scene (The Star OR Dancer on Stage) 1878 Pastel on paper 23 5/8 x 17 3/8 in. (60 x 44 cm) Musee d'Orsay, Paris


Degas, Edgar / Portrait de M. Duranty 1879 Tempera and pastel on canvas 39 3/8 x 39 3/8 in (100.6 x 100.6 cm) Glasgow Art Gallery and Museum


Degas, Edgar / Miss Lola, au Cirque Fernando (now known as La La at the Cirque Fernando, Paris) 1879 Oil on canvas
46 x 30 1/2 in. (117 x 77.5 cm) National Gallery, London


Degas, Edgar / After the Bath c. 1879
Monotype in black ink on china paper, heightened with pastel
8 1/4 x 6 1/4 in. (21 x 15.9 cm) Private collection, New York


Degas, Edgar / The Dance Lesson c. 1879 Oil on canvas
15 x 34 in. (38 x 86.3 cm) Private collection


Degas, Edgar / At the Stock Exchange c. 1879 Oil on canvas
39 3/8 x 32 1/4 in. (100 x 82 cm) Musee d'Orsay, Paris


Degas, Edgar / Room in a Brothel c. 1879 Monotype in black ink on laid paper 8 1/4 x 6 1/4 in. (21 x 15.9 cm) Stanford University Museum of Art


Degas, Edgar / Seated Dancer (Danseuse assise) c. 1879-80 Charcoal and pastel on paper mounted on pasteboard 25 x 19 1/8 in. (63.5 x 48.7 cm.) The Hermitage, St. Petersburg
No. GR 155-99. Formerly collection Otto Krebs, Holzdorf


Degas, Edgar / The Dance Examination c. 1880 Pastel and charcoal on paper 24 15/16 x 18 15/16 in. (63.4 x 48.2 cm) Denver Art Museum


Degas, Edgar / Petite danseuse de quatorze ans, statuette en cire The Little Fourteen-Year-Old Dancer c. 1881 Wax, silk, satin ribbon, hair 39 in (99 cm) high Collection Mr and Mrs Paul Mellon, Upperville, VA


Degas, Edgar / Milliners 1882 Pastel on paper 19 x 27 in. (48.3 x 68.6 cm) The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City


Degas, Edgar / Les repasseuses (Women Ironing) 1884 Oil on canvas 29 7/8 x 31 7/8 in. (76 x 81 cm) Musee d'Orsay, Paris


Degas, Edgar / The Baker's Wife 1885 Pastel on paper 26 3/8 x 20 1/2 in. (67 x 52.1 cm) The Henry and Rose Pearlman Foundation


Degas, Edgar / Girl Drying Herself 1885 Pastel on paper
31 1/2 x 20 1/8 in. (80.1 x 51.2 cm) National Gallery of Art, Washington


Degas, Edgar / Race Horses 1885-1888 Pastel on panel
11 7/8 x 16 in. The Annenberg Collection


Degas, Edgar / Woman Combing Her Hair c. 1886 Pastel on cardboard 21 x 20 1/2 in. (53 x 52 cm) Hermitage, St Petersburg


Degas, Edgar / Woman at Her Toilette 1889 Pastel on paper
23 x 23 1/2 in. (59 x 60 cm) Hermitage, St Petersburg


Degas, Edgar / Four Dancers c. 1899 Oil on canvas
151.1 x 180.2 cm (59 1/2 x 71 in.) National Gallery of Art, Washington


Degas, Edgar / Ballet Dancers in the Wings c. 1900 Pastel on paper
28 x 26 in. (71.1 x 66 cm) Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis


DEGAS Music of his Time

드뷔시의 환상 Reveries

Claude DEBUSSY (1862-1918)




잘생긴 꾀꼬리 꽃미남 리차드강 어리버리 돈키호테.