종교 聖음악

앨범: 튜더 시대의 라틴 성가 2집 - Various Artist, Philip Cave, Magnificat (2014 Linn Records)

리차드 강 2015. 9. 7. 09:19

The Tudors at Prayer



Album Title: The Tudors at Prayer

Composer: John Taverner, William Mundy, Robert White, Thomas Tallis, William Byrd
Conductor: Philip Cave
Choir: Magnificat

Audio CD (May 6, 2014)
Number of Discs: 1
Spars Code: n/a
Format: Hybrid SACD - DSD (Super Audio Hybrid CD)
Live/Studio: Studio Recording
Recording Date January 14, 2013 - January 17, 2013
Label: Linn Records
Copyright: (C) ℗ 2014 Linn Records
Total Length: 1:19:37
Genres: Classical Music, Church Music, Choral, Motet, Renaissance Period, Sacred Music, Song
Styles: Choral
Period:  Baroque (1600-1750), Renaissance (1400-1600)



1. Vox Patris caelestis - Track 전곡 연주

   Conductor   Philip Cave
   Choir   Magnificat
   Period   Renaissance
   Live/Studio   Studio Recording
   Recording Date   January 14, 2013 - January 17, 2013
   Venue   St. George's Chesterton, Cambridge, UK



1. Vox Patris caelestis   (21:40)
   Composer   William Mundy (c1529 - 1591)
   Lyricist   Bible - Old Testament
   Genre   Renaissance Period / Song
   Date Written   16th Century; England

2. Adhaesit pavimento   (7:23)
   Composer   William Mundy (c1529 - 1591)
   Lyricist   Anonymous
   Genre   Motet / Renaissance Period / Sacred Music

3. Tota pulchra es   (6:48)
   Composer   Robert White (16th cent.) (c1538 - 1574)
   Lyricist   Anonymous
   Genre   Motet / Renaissance Period / Sacred Music

4. Psalm 41, Quemadmodum desiderat cervus, for 6 parts, perhaps for viols   (6:33)
   Composer   John Taverner (c1490 - 1545)
   Lyricist   Bible - Old Testament
   Genre   Renaissance Period

5. Adolescentulus sum ego   (5:52)
   Composer   William Mundy (c1529 - 1591)
   Lyricist   Bible - Old Testament
   Genre   Renaissance Period / Song
   Date Written   16th Century; England

6. Domine, quis habitabit (III)   (8:38)
   Composer   Robert White (16th cent.) (c1538 - November 1574)
   Lyricist   Bible - Old Testament
   Genre   Renaissance Period
   Date Written   16th Century; England

7. Suscipe, quaeso Domine   (9:34)
   Catalog No.   P 222
   Composer   Thomas Tallis (c 1505 - 1585)
   Lyricist   Anonymous
   Genre   Renaissance Period / Song
   Date Written   1575; after 1559; England

8. Tribue, Domine   (13:08)
   Composer   William Byrd (1539/40- - 1623)
   Lyricist   Anonymous
   Genre   Motet / Renaissance Period
   Date Written   by 1575; England



튜더 시대의 라틴어 종교 음악 제 2집

마그니피카트는 튜더 왕가의 라틴 음악(CKD417)에 이은 영국 튜더(엘리자베스) 시대의 라틴어 종교 음악 2집으로 존 태버너(1490-1545), 토마스 탈리스(1505-1585), 윌리엄 먼디, 로버트 화이트(1538-1574), 윌리엄 버드(1540-1623)등 튜더 시대를 대표하는 작곡가들의 걸작들을 담고 있다. 성모마리아 찬가의 전문가로 16세기와 17세기 덜 알려진 합창 걸작품을 복원하고 연주하는 뛰어난 지휘자, 필립 케이브는 아카펠라 음악을 전문으로 하며, 평론가들의 엄청난 갈채를 받은 레코딩을 발매해 세계 최고의 보컬 앙상블 중 하나로 손꼽히는 영국의 보컬 앙상블 마그니피카트와 함께 또 하나의 걸작을 만들었다.



Philip Cave

The Tudors At Prayer brings together eight compositions from mid-sixteenth-century England, a period particularly rich in Latin sacred music, but also a time of vast religious and political upheaval. Although this collection of music spans barely more than a generation - the earliest work was probably composed in the 1530s and the latest in the 1570s - it is hard to imagine the changes that took place in English society (and by extension, English musical culture) during those forty years.

Album Review

The sacred music of the Tudor era in England has enjoyed a certain vogue lately with strong performances by the Sixteen and other groups bringing the repertory beyond enthusiasts of the cathedral style. This one, by the 18-voice British choir Magnificat, has much to recommend it. The choir may be about the same size as the Sixteen, but the restrained, precise quality of Magnificat's singing has a flavor different from that of the Sixteen's recordings. These big motets and antiphons proceed without a lot of dynamic contrast or sensuous phrase-shaping, letting the rather impersonal quality of the music stand on its own and rendering the dissonant stacks that pile up at phrase ends with uncanny clarity. The program is very well chosen. England, as the excellent booklet notes, underwent enormous changes over the roughly 40 years covered by the repertory performed, but the large Latin piece remained a kind of composerly tradition, created even when there was no large official need for one. The program here is devoted entirely to these works, and the listener's ear attunes itself to the differences among them, from the massive Vox patris caelestis of William Mundy to the High Renaissance sounds of Tallis and Byrd at the end of the period. Linn's engineering work in St. George's Chesterton church in Cambridge is exemplary, and this is a release that belongs on any decent shelf or hard drive of English choral music.

by James Manheim


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