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리차드 강 2013. 8. 12. 18:57

2013 Treasures of Nature Photography Competition

Image of a mother polar bear with her cubs shortly after emerging from their den for the first time wins international wildlife photography competition

By Daily Mail Reporter

From a polar bear with her cubs to the eyes of an eagle owl or an osprey swooping for a fish, these pictures are some of the top entries in a wildlife photo competition.
Organised by the Society of Nature and Wildlife Photographers, judges arrived at these finalists from hundreds of entries.
The winner of the Treasures of Nature Photography Competition was Michelle Valberg from ontario, Canada with her polar bear and cubs image entitled 'on the Move'.



The winner of the Treasures of Nature Photography Competition was Michelle Valberg with her polar bear and cubs image entitled 'on the Move'


The runner-up was taken by British photographer Debbie Picknell with the image entitled 'Eagle Owl Eyes' taken at the British Wildlife Centre in Lingfield, Surrey


And third was another Briton, Anne Algar from Middlesex, with this stunning image entitled 'Great Egrets'


Christopher Alga received a 'highly commended' for this dramatic picture of an osprey taking an Atlantic Croakerfish in the sea off Bowditch Point, Fort Myers Beach, Florida


Christopher Algar was also praised for his photo of a roseate spoonbill at Harns Marsh Preserve, Lehigh Acres also in Florida


Christopher Algar shot a bee on a cosmos flower a bit closer to home in Crane Park, Twickenham, Middlesex


A strange swirl of a picture entitled Mother Earth got Denis Gadbois from Canada highly commended


Nigel Picknell's stunning shot. The competition was open to photographers from all around the globe, which gave image makers the opportunity to showcase their talents and some of the wonderful places they had visited


Mihaly Attila Kazsub, a Hungarian living in Spain, submitted this image of snails in Alicante


Highly commended entrants included Antonio Rojas, from the Phillipines with a picture of butterflies at the Butterfly Garden of the Central Philippine University


Sarit Saliman's spider web. The Societies have 7,500 members worldwide and we had entries from as far as Melbourne



Spirits Of Nature Nirvana - Elbosco 소년합창단














어미 북극곰을 따라 '여정 중'인 새끼 곰 형제를 촬영한 사진이 한 국제 야생동물 사진 경연대회에서 우승을 차지했다.

이 대회는 전 세계에 회원수 7500여 명을 거느린 국제 자연 및 야생동물 사진작가 협회(SINWP)가 주관한 것으로 매년 '트레져스 오브 네이처 사진 경연대회'(Treasures of Nature Photography Competition)라는 이름으로 개최되고 있다.

이번 대회에는 캐나다 온타리오주(州)의 사진작가 미첼 발버그가 '여정 중'(On The Move)이라는 제목을 출품한 새끼 북극곰 두 마리를 데리고 눈덮힌 북극땅을 이동 중인 어미 북극곰을 촬영한 사진이 우승작으로 선정됐다.

발버그는 이 사진에 대해 "매니토바주(州) 처칠 인근 와푸스크 국립공원에서 600mm 망원렌즈를 장착한 니콘 D4 카메라로 이 사진을 촬영했다"면서 "그곳은 방문자들이 북극곰을 볼 수 있는 숨겨진 서식지"라고 설명했다.

한편 이번 대회 최종 후보로는 북극곰 사진 이외에도 수리부엉이의 눈을 클로즈업한 장면이나 물수리가 물고기를 낚아채는 순간 등을 포착한 사진 등이 올랐다.

윤태희 기자 th20022@seoul.co.kr


잘생긴 꾀꼬리 꽃미남 리차드강 어리버리 돈키호테.