Fig. 3. Patient-specific human NT-hESCs differentiate into tissues from all three germ cell layers in vivo in teratomas (first three rows) and in vitro in EBs (bottom row). NT-hESC-2 (A to H), -3 (I to P), and -4 (Q to X) differentiated into all of the following somatic tissue types: skin [(A), (I), and (R)]; primitive neuroepithelium (B); striated muscle [(C) and (K)]; cartilage [(D), (L), and (T)]; renal tissues [(E) and (U)]; gastrointestinal epithelium [(F), (M), and (V)]; retina and primitive neuroepithelium [(J) and (Q)]; smooth muscle and respiratory epithelium [(G), (P), and (X)]; colon epithelium (H); mucosa gland (N); smooth muscle [(O) and (W)]; and bone (S). Immunohistochemical staining for EBs was performed for Pax3/7 (Y), MAP-2 (Z), GFAP (a), ANP (b), CD34 (c), desmin (d), and MHC (e). EBs also differentiated into all three germ layers expressing ectodermal [(Y), (Z), and (a)], mesodermal [(b) to (d)], and endodermal (e) marker genes. Figure S3 shows differentiation details for all NT-hESC lines. Magnification: x100, (A) to (R); x200, (S) to (Y). Scale bars, 100 µm.(해석하기 힘들어서 그냥 올림 - 어리버리 돈키호테)
이미지 출처 : Science magazine |