아르헨티나 출신 Jorge Mario Bergoglio (76) 추기경님께서 교종 프란시스 Francis 로 탄생하셨습니다. 형제자매 여러분 진심으로 축하드립니다.
Francis is first pope from the Americas By BRIAN MURPHY and MICHAEL WARREN | Associated Press – 27 mins ago
새로이 선출되신 교종 프란시스께서 바티칸 성베드로 바실리카 발코니 에서 손을 흔들어 주시는 모습입니다.
View Photo Associated Press/Gregorio Borgia - Pope Francis waves to the crowd from the central balcony of St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican, Wednesday, March 13, 2013. Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio who chose the name of …more Francis is the 266th pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church. (AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia)
Jorge Mario Bergoglio elected Pope Francis By Grant Burningham | The Ticket – 1 hr 31 mins ago
Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, 76, from Argentina was elected as the Catholic Church's new pope Wednesday night. He is taking the name Francis. Thousands of Catholics gathered under umbrellas outside St. Peter's Basilica, eagerly listening to the church's 266th pontiff, who addressed the faithful from the balcony.